
Research Opportunities

Research opportunities in the Jones Lab are available for motivated individuals with a love for research.

If you are interested in joining the Jones lab, please send an email to jonesmcb@uoguelph.ca with the email subject including “Interested Candidate” and your name. Include a copy of your CV, unofficial transcript, and a cover letter describing your research experience, future goals, and why you would like to join.

We greatly appreciate all interest expressed in our lab group. However, due to the volume of interested candidates, only select candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Graduate Students

Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Dr. Jones at any time. Please consult M.Sc. departmental admission and eligibility requirements or Ph.D. departmental admission and eligibility requirements.

Graduate Funding

Funding opportunities for graduate students are available through NSERC, OGS, CIHR, and through the University of Guelph in the form of bursaries, scholarships, and awards.

Undergraduate Students

Laboratory-based research projects are available in the Jones Lab in the courses listed below. Students are expected to, at minimum, meet course eligibility requirements. Preference will be given to students with high standing in Laboratory Methods (MBG*3350) or other similar laboratory-based courses, and/or other lab experience. Co-op positions are also available.

Research Assistantships are also available for students wishing to gain experience working in a research-based environment. Please consult the College of Biological Science website for more information about Summer Research Assistantships, Undergraduate Research Assistantships, and Undergraduate Student Research Awards.