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Lab News

May 1, 2024 — Welcome New Students

May 1, 2024 — Welcome New Students

The Jones Lab welcomes new undergrads Mathew Hibbert, joining the lab with a USRA scholarship, and Abby Vyn, joining with a CBS-SRA scholarship. We also welcome Nikoo Mansourian, joining us for a fourth-year project!

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Mar 14th, 2024 – World Kidney Day

Mar 14th, 2024 – World Kidney Day

World Kidney Day (WKD) is celebrated internationally every second Thursday in March to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys. This year, the theme of WKD is: Kidney Health for All - Advancing equitable access to care and optimal medication practice.

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Sept 1, 2023 — Welcome New Students!

Sept 1, 2023 — Welcome New Students!

The Jones Lab is welcoming back our previous fourth year project students Alice Wang, Emma Pearen, and Hyeyun Yang as graduate students. Alice and Emma are joining back as Masters students in MCB and Hyeyun is starting her PhD in MCB with a NEUR specialization.

Read more about "Sept 1, 2023 — Welcome New Students!"